YYA: 22nd May, Friday Night

Hi All!

We’re back to doing Bible study this week at Youth and Young Adults. It’ll be on Revelation 10; the worksheet is uploaded already, and there’s also a commentary on Daniel 7 on the worksheets page, which we recommend you read (both the passage and commentary) before coming!


Hope to see you there, and have fellowship with one another!

YYA: 15th May, Sharing Night on Friday!

Our second Sharing Night is this Friday! It’ll be on the topic “How can we be a Christ Centered Church?”.

Date: Friday 15 May
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Place: MCCC English Service Chapel

Come at 7pm to enjoy dinner in the company of brothers and sisters in Christ. As usual, all are welcome! This will be followed by Bible reading and small group sharing based on the topic, as well as prayer afterwards. It will be a great opportunity for us to reflect on how we can focus on Christ as a church body in light of our recent studies on the Book of Revelation.

As always for sharing nights, dinner will be provided (gold coin donation is welcomed).


P.S. The worksheets for the week after (22/5) are uploaded and there’s an additional commentary on Daniel 7 for the lesson, so it’ll be great to read it before the Bible study on the 22nd! =)

YYA: 8th May, Friday Night

Hey guys! Hope everyone had a great time of fellowship and bible study as we got back into the bible studies after the long break! It is great learning about different aspects of God and to have my mind blown each time! This Friday at Youth and Young Adults, we’re continuing on with Revelation 5. As usual, the worksheet is up (just click for them in the menu on the top right corner!)

Also, don’t forget about our second Sharing Night! It’s coming up in two weeks’ time and the topic is: “How can we be a Christ Centered Church?”

Date: Friday 15 May
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Place: MCCC English Service Chapel

Come at 7pm to enjoy dinner in the company of brothers and sisters in Christ. This will be followed by small group sharing based on the topic. It will be a great opportunity for us to reflect on how we can focus on Christ as a church body in light of our recent studies on the Book of Revelation.

As always for sharing nights- dinner will be provided (gold coin donation is welcomed).

See you Friday, and may your weeks be filled with blessed times with God!

YYA: 1st May, Friday Night

It’s great to be back studying God’s word together on Friday nights, and great to see both old and new faces there! =)

I know at least some of us are getting really busy these days (like me haha), but keep coming to encourage one another in the Lord as we study and delight in His word! Next Friday, we’re doing Revelation 4.

Remember to look out for that post packed with goodies from the church camp coming soon (hopefully in the next couple of days)!

24th April – YYA Friday Night

Hi All!

After a nice 3 week break with a great Easter camp (watch out for a blog post about that coming soon), school holidays, and celebrating our fellow brother and sister’s wedding, we’re back this Friday the 24th! We’ll be getting back into studying Revelation, where we’ll look at Laodicea, the lukewarm church (worksheet lesson 7), and refreshing our memories of all the sermon talk sessions from camp!

Those continuously refreshing the web pages on this website would have noticed that the worksheet has been up for a couple of weeks and the roster’s done till June. =)

Looking forward to having fellowship on Friday and getting stuck into God’s word! See you there! =D

YYA is on break for 3 weeks! =o

That’s right, we’re on break for 3 whole weeks! We’ll come back on the 24th April. In the meantime, we’ll be having English Service camp (woo!!), term break holiday, and a wedding for a brother and sister! =) Also, if we have any special events during this break, we’ll make sure to notify you through this website and other means, so keep checking this website!

We’ll be leaving for the camp (lunch is provided at 1pm at the campsite) straight after the Good Friday service which starts at 10am. Please join us for the Good Friday service, and camp if you can! (Contact Anna or Jennifer directly ASAP for camp rego.)

The roster for Friday Nights Youth and Young Adults April-June is up, check it out! I’ll also post a reminder before we come back after 3 weeks, with the night’s roster in the post, and the worksheet uploaded too. Have a great break, and may God continue to bless your spiritual walk with Him!

Friday Night, 27th March – YYA

Dear All,

It was great to see lots of people involved in our games, and a lot of laughing to be had, last Friday during our Sharing Night with dinner, games, sharing and prayer! Hope you guys had a great time of fellowship and prayer! (I know I did! =D )

Youth and Young Adults is resuming our bible studies this Friday Night 27th March! We’ll be looking at Revelation 3:1 – 13 and the churches of Sardis and Philadelphia.

By the way, if you want to go to the church camp (which you totally should), contact Anna or Jennifer directly ASAP (regos are overdue)! It’s from April 3rd Friday lunch – Sunday lunch.

The Revelation Lesson 6 (Rv 3:1-13) study for this YYA Friday Night 27th March is up, check it out on the Worksheets page! =)

Friday 20th March – YYA Sharing Night!

Hi All!

On the 20th March next Friday, for our Sharing Night, Youth and Young Adults will be having fellowship with a fun activity night plus some sharing and praying with one another. We will also get to have dinner together! (Gold coin donation is welcomed.)

Come along, bring your friends, and prepare to have a great time of fellowship! It will be a great bonding opportunity!

Date: Next Friday 20th March 2015
Time: 7pm (dinner) – 9.30pm
Where: Sunday School Hall

Hope to see you there!

P.S. The Revelation Lesson 6 (Rv 3:1-13) study for oxt YYA Friday Night 27th March is up, check it out on the Worksheets page! =)

13th March – YYA Friday Night

Last night, we were encouraged from the letter to the church in Pergamum (Rev 2:12-17) to follow Christ in love and obedience, and not compromise our faith in worthless idols but be fully satisfied in Jesus! =) There was also an interesting memory game we played which encouraged teamwork!

As usual, the roster and worksheets are on their respective pages from the main menu up top. =) Hope to see you all tomorrow and on Friday!!

6th March – YYA Friday Night

We just celebrated our 29th anniversary for the MCCC English Service today, with yummy food and cake! =P Great fellowship was had. =)

It’s already been 3 weeks into Youth and Young Adults (YYA) this year! We’ve learnt about the context of Revelation, and been encouraged to always remember our first love and have love for God and others as our motivator in everything, as well as to persevere in following Jesus, no matter what sufferings and persecutions in this life we meet, as we have an eternal, imperishable reward in heaven – eternal perfect and good fellowship with God!

We also played a fun pulse game in which each person emulated a neuron haha (thanks Andy!) Can’t wait for sharing night on the 20th March where we play more games, have fellowship and pray with one another!

As usual, the roster and worksheets are on their respective pages from the main menu up top. =) Hope to see you all on Friday!!