Dear All,
It was great to see lots of people involved in our games, and a lot of laughing to be had, last Friday during our Sharing Night with dinner, games, sharing and prayer! Hope you guys had a great time of fellowship and prayer! (I know I did! =D )
Youth and Young Adults is resuming our bible studies this Friday Night 27th March! We’ll be looking at Revelation 3:1 – 13 and the churches of Sardis and Philadelphia.
By the way, if you want to go to the church camp (which you totally should), contact Anna or Jennifer directly ASAP (regos are overdue)! It’s from April 3rd Friday lunch – Sunday lunch.
The Revelation Lesson 6 (Rv 3:1-13) study for this YYA Friday Night 27th March is up, check it out on the Worksheets page! =)