YYA: 27th November, Friday Night

We’ve had a great start with preparation for Christmas Celebration Night on the 19th of December (FB invite link). Come join us for more preparation, we could use more performers – especially instrumentals!


Let’s continue to glorify God as we prepare to celebrate and show God’s wonderful love, amazing grace and awesome power on this Christmas Celebration Night!

YYA: 20th November, Friday Night

Hi everyone, hope you had a great sharing night last Friday with Trivia, sharing and prayer! We had feedback forms to fill out, and we’ll be looking for feedback for the year in helping us know how to improve edifying one another.

In the next weeks we’ll be preparing for Christmas Celebration Night, which is on the 19th of December. The Facebook event is here. Please think of someone you could invite, pray for them and give them a flyer!


Hope to see you there, to prepare, pray and fellowship!


YYA: 13th November, Friday Sharing Night!

Hi All!

We’ve finished our studies on the book of Revelation, and will have a sharing night this Friday to share what we’ve learnt and pray with one another. Do have a look over what we’ve done in the past year so you can share fruitfully. Come at 7pm for dinner this Friday!


After the sharing night, we will have Christmas Celebration Night preparation from 20th November to 18th December, and then the actual Christmas Celebration Night on the 19th December! We have flyers if you want to invite your friends, make sure to write their names on the back and pray for them! Just see Peter or Jenny if you want one.

See you on Friday!


YYA: 23rd October, Friday Night

Hi there! This Friday the 23rd October we’ll be continuing on with Revelation chapter 21 and we get to read about the future heaven in eternity. It’s truly awesome, hope to see you there!


Remember, on Sunday we will be having the combined-service AGM after the regular Sunday English service, and lunch after the AGM. Hope to see you there too and have fellowship across the services for the glory of God!


YYA: 16th October, Friday Night

It was great to see so many people at the bowling event where we had fun, fellowship, games and a bit of a workout! =P Also great to see people back at bible study, and a new game to play (curling!) for the youth, one which perhaps could be improved to be very fun like in VS Arashi or Wii sports hehe.

Next week we’ll be studying a chapter with a bit of debate, and while keeping in mind to focus on the big picture and main points, it can be beneficial to study the different points of views on the exact workings and details. With the worksheet this week, there are a few infosheets, which you should definitely read before the study on Friday!


There’s also an English Service committee’s ministry update this Sunday after the regular service, which will outline the direction the service will be taking after taking into account the feedback from the last ministry workshop session. Do come! You can also pray for their meeting happening this Saturday (today).


YYA: 9th October, Friday Night

First off, we’re having a special event at 8pm tonight (2/10) in AMF Forest Hill, bring $20. (Yes, in ~2 hours). It’s a night out with fellowship and bowling, we greatly encourage you to come! You can find the FB event here.

After the break on 9/10, we’ll be resuming our studies in Revelation with chapter 19. As always, you can find the worksheets on the worksheet page.


Hope to see you in 2 hours and next Friday!

YYA: 18th September, Friday Night

Dear All,

On Friday the 2nd October, we will be having an activity night! It will be a boys & girls night out at AMF Bowling Forest Hill. Stay tuned during announcements on Friday night and Sunday for more info. It’ll be a great opportunity to spend time with one another and have great fellowship!

Oh and remember, 25th September is spring break holiday, so there will be no YYA on the 25th September Friday night. For those going to the Connect Training Conference, have fun, fellowship, and be built and build up in Christ!


Hope to see you there for bible study and fellowship!

YYA: 28th August, Friday Night

After our lovely sharing night last week full of song and prayer, tonight we’ll be decorating, setting up and doing a dress rehearsal of Coffee Night! Please come along and help even if you’re not performing, there’s still heaps of tasks and helpers behind the scenes that make these events possible! =)

If you still don’t know what Coffee Night is, it’s on this Saturday (tomorrow) night! There’s a Facebook event here. And you can download the flyer here: [PDF]. [PNG below:]

You know you want to come!


I’ll be posting about the Friday after (4/9)’s YYA meeting after Coffee Night, so stay tuned!

YYA: 14th August, Friday Night

Wow, it’s already the end of our 5-week long string of Bible studies! On the 14th we’ll have a Bible study on Revelation 15. Then we’ve got a sharing night on the 21st, Coffee Night preparation on the 28th, and we’ll be resuming Bible studies on the 4th of September!


Keep practising for Coffee Night (29th August), inviting your friends and fellowship-ing! =)



YYA: 7th August, Friday Night

It was great to fellowship and study God’s Word together yesterday night, and to see some people practising for Coffee Night! Remember, it’s this month, so invite your friends, prepare your presentations and do a test batch of your cooking so you won’t be panicking to plate something up just before the night like me last year =). Doors open at 7pm and the session starts at 7:30pm.

There’s also sharing night on the 21st of August with prayer, including prayer for Coffee Night, and on the 28th August we’ll have a night of preparation, before 29th August – the actual Coffee Night!


As usual the worksheet is up! See you All there as we learn and discuss the book of Revelation in the Bible and what it means for us!