What’s On

Easter Weekend @ MCCC

As you may know, the MCCCES camp is just around the corner!

All are welcome to attend our Good Friday service at 10am in the Glen Iris Chapel before we head off to Marysville for camp.

Any non-campers who want to attend Church on Sunday are more than welcome to head up to Marysville to join us for an Easter Sunday service commencing at 9:30am. The address is:

El Kanah Marysville
975 Buxton Road,
Marysville, VIC, 3779

But! If Marysville is too far, then no worries! A Cantonese service will be running their Easter Sunday Service at the main hall in Glen Iris, commencing at 9:45am. It’s right across from the Chapel.

But! If you have trouble understanding Cantonese, then no worries either! A Hakka/English combined service will be running over at Kew, celebrating both Easter Sunday and the Hakka congregation’s 22nd anniversary. Service commences at 1:30pm. The address for the Kew church is:

28 Union Street,
Kew, VIC, 3101

Hope to see you at one of these services! Happy Easter from MCCC!

MCCC English Service Camp 2013


Come join us for our biennial camp as we look at what the bible has to say about shining like stars!

Pastor Ian Sinclair will be taking us through the book of Philippians as we all come together to worship and share in fellowship during this Easter break


29th or Match to 31st of March 2013
(Departure after Good Friday service lunch

and return Sunday afternoon after lunch)

El Kanah Marysville
975 Buxton Road,
Marysville, VIC, 3779

Adults – $215
Children 4 – 12 – $108
Children Under 4 – Free

by March 17th in person at MCCC – PLEASE bring back your forms & money as THIS SUNDAY is the last day to register!

More info:
contact Arnold via email on nelsonarnoldho@gmail.com
visit our Facebook events page here
and check out the camp’s website here

See you there!

MCCC Dinner & Sharing Night #1 – Media, Pop Culture and Christianity


How do media and pop culture influence us?

How does it dictate our self-worth?

And how does it affect our relationship with God?

Media has become an incredibly powerful tool in today’s age. In fact it’s quite rare for us to not see digital screens and daily. Its prevalence in this world impacts our attitudes and our decisions, and even our behaviour towards others – but how should Christians respond when what media is telling us may not be pleasing to God?

Come! You’re welcome join us for dinner at 7pm before we dive into a night of sharing and discussion beginning at 7:45pm. We will conclude by 9:10pm but please do stay back if you’d like because, well, we like to hang out at MCCC. Especially on Friday nights.

See you then!

More information at: http://www.facebook.com/events/611579932192769/

YYA Friday Night Program schedule (Non-dinner)

Hi all,

Thanks for coming to the YYA relaunch last week – it was a great turnout and it was very encouraging to see so many new faces!

Just a reminder that regular Youth & Young Adults Friday Night program begins at 7.30pm.  Note that there will be no dinner provided on regular Bible study nights.

The schedule is as follows:

7.30 – Games

8.00 – Praise & worship, announcements

8.20 – Bible study introduction

8.25 – Bible Study

9.10 – Refreshments

If you are running late, please try your best to come by around 8.15 pm in order to make it to Bible study introduction. Parents can arrange pick up for 9.10 pm, however we welcome all to stay back for fellowship and refreshments at the conclusion of the night.

Rosters and worksheets for Friday YYA are available at the ‘Roster and YYA Worksheets’ tab above, or by clicking the link http://mccces.wordpress.com/rosters/. Please note that the Friday night rosters may be amended frequently to cope with changes and swaps. Just a reminder that it is your responsibility to find someone to replace you if you’re unable to make it on the night. Once you have found someone, please let Anna Wong know and she will update the roster. Please also write on the roster pinned on the noticeboard in the foyer to reflect changes in order to avoid confusion.

Thanks all and see you for our first Bible study this Friday! 🙂

Youth & Young Adults Friday Night program 2013 – RELAUNCH & changes!

YYA Friday Night program for 2013 is starting up again! Please join us for dinner, a short talk introducing the program for the year, games and fellowship on Friday 15th of February at 7.00pm at the English Service Hall. This year, we are excited to be studying the books of 1 & 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon in the New Testament. We would loved to meet you and your friends and learn more about God together!


Please take note that in 2013, a few changes and additions are made:

  • Regular Friday night program commences at 7.30pm (instead of 8pm). Parents can expect the night to finish by 9.10pm, which is when supper begins.
  • The order of the night will be games, singspiration, Bible study then supper
  • There will be 6 dinner & sharing nights throughout the year which commences at 7.00pm. The first one will be held on Friday March 15th and more information will be posted closer to the date.
  • Breaks during Friday night program imitate the schedule of primary & secondary school terms (i.e. term 1, 2, 3 and 4).
  • There will be a night for activity/outing during the term break.
  • Worksheets for Friday nights as well as duty rosters will be posted on the website available for download – please print them off each week! 🙂

Please note that adults’ bible study also runs during the night. We invite all parents to stay back and study God’s word with us.

Stay safe and see you all on Friday 15th of February for the RELAUNCH! 😀

2012 Recap

Melbourne Chinese Christian Church English Service 2012 – A recap

Dear all, whether you have followed this blog since its revamp or you just stumbled across it today, thank you all for taking the time to read the entries! I hope this website has been informative and sheds some insight on what Melbourne Chinese Christian Church believes, how God has been working, and how you can find out more about us.

As the year draws to an end, this is an entry to recap on the year and look at the grace and mercies that the Lord has lavished upon the church and the congregation. Enjoy — this is going to be a long one!


The theme for this year’s pulpit teaching was “The Living Church of Christ”. Week after week, The Lord provided speakers who not only expounded God’s Word to us, but also encouraged, challenged and edified the congregation. Indeed, in 2012 we witnessed how the church has been built up as a living Body of Christ through the power of His Word that transforms lives and renews minds. We praise God for the wonderful grace and mercy He has poured out upon us as seen in the congregation, the various events, and ministries.

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English Service anniversary

This March, the English Service celebrated its 26th Anniversary, and we remembered God for His provisions over the years by hosting a special luncheon. In true MCCC fashion, we ate fruit and cream sponge cake while sharing as a group about how God has been working in members’ spiritual journeys and as a congregation. We look forward to the growing of His Kingdom in the following years.



This year, by the grace of God, 6 young men publically declared their testimonies of faith in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour by going through the waters of baptism. May they continue to grow in His likeness and love His Word more and more every day!

Christmas service

More recently, we held our Christmas Celebration Night Service on the theme of ‘What’s so Amazing about Grace?’ The night turned out to be a big success, with over 60 friends and visitors. Many thanks to Reverend Justin Tan for taking the time to deliver a compelling message from God to the congregation. We also enjoyed the skit which featured the Parable of the Vineyard, as well as the choir items of ‘At Christmas Time’ and ‘Away in a Manger’. Praise God for the great turnout and the fellowship!

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It has been an encouraging year for the Sunday Youth Program as well as the Youth and Young Adults ministry. The Sunday Youth Program studied the book of 1 & 2 Samuel this year, exploring the theme of Kingship. Thanks be to God that new leaders stepped up and took the challenge of teaching the year 7-10 high school students.

Youth and Young Adults Ministry (YYA)

The YYA Friday Night Bible Studies looked at 1 & 2 Thessalonians this year, where we learnt about the model church, practical Christian living, and the return of Jesus. The university and working adult groups also introduced student/young adult Bible study leaders in order to provide greater ministry opportunity and experience. Prayer meetings were held on a monthly basis to commit all aspects of the ministry into the hand of the Lord.

YYA Events

YYA was not limited to Friday night Bible studies, but also hosted events that encouraged fellowship such as rock climbing in March, Trivia Night in June, and Guys & Girls night out in August. The events created opportunities to bond and have meaningful conversations with one another, as well as introduced the idea of outreach by inviting friends along.

Winter Freeze
The Winter Freeze program was held during the school holidays on 5-6th of July. Once again, it served to teach the year 7-11 students with Bible teaching through the “Four Spiritual Laws” (evangelism resource) in an engaging and interactive manner. This year, we invited the year 12’s as facilitators to run the program and praise God for how He has grown them over the year. Overall, there were 31 people attending over the 2 days, with 2 attendees from the Chinese School.


Coffee Night

Perhaps the highlight of the year was Coffee Night which was held in September. Members from the congregation used their musical talents to praise God, testifying their faith to friends, family and many visitors in the very-packed-almost-overflowing-hall. The funds that were raised on the night will go to City Bible Forum – a ministry that exists to support city workers to share the gospel. The night concluded with hot drinks, desserts, and great fellowship until almost midnight! Praise God again for using different avenues to make Himself known!


SOYA – an acronym coined spelling ‘Slightly Older Young Adults’ – continues to meet up on a regular basis for fellowship and Bible studies. This provides a great way for working adults to meet up and encourage one another by sharing happenings in their lives. Attendees are encouraged to bring a dish for dinner, enabling them to not only share their mind, but also share recipes and cooking tips!

External Training Opportunities

This year, a number of members participated in Connect Ministry’s Day Conference, which explored apologetics, different ways to evangelise to individuals, and how to follow them up. This provided a training ground for future outreach events. Some members also attended the annual Connect Training Conference which provided skills in various areas of ministry. May the Lord enable this training to be brought back to Melbourne Chinese Christian Church to equip the rest of the congregation.

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Accountability groups & Follow up

2012 also saw the beginning of the Roots Ministry. This ministry focuses on the follow-up of newcomers, and on building accountability in the church. The focus has been mainly on the youth and young adults, which has led to the formation of accountability groups to encourage and support one another as well as keep each other accountable. Activities such as the Indoor Picnic after Coffee Night were deeply encouraging as we saw newcomers for the second time through follow-up sessions. The Roots Ministry has also supported the year 11-12 students undertaking VCE and associated studies. Recently, a post-exam trip down to Werribee Zoo was enjoyed, where leaders were able to bond with students and encourage them in their transition to tertiary studies.

YYA Retreat


In the same vein, as many of the YYA are also transitioning into the workforce, the Roots Ministry organised the Young Adults retreat in February where a weekend was spent down at the beaches of Tootgarook. The retreat theme was ‘In the World but not of the World’, looking at the topic of careers in conjunction with our identities as Christians. Other sessions included cultural pressures, being a living testimony for Christ, beauty in the eyes of God, and an appropriate use of Facebook. The weekend was a great time to unwind, but served an even greater purpose to ground us in the Word of the Lord amidst the pressures of the world.

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Missions advance God’s Kingdom through the sharing of the gospel. The English Service continues to support May Kwong and the International Student ministry in Ballarat. Funds have also been appropriated to CMS Victoria, RBC Ministries, Tear Australia, Mukti Australia and Train Teach Ministries. We are particularly excited that two members of our congregation have been called to full time ministry and we joyfully support them both prayerfully and financially.

… And there you go! The happenings in the English Service for the year! Though what is posted is selective rather than exhaustive as the list would keep on going if we were to write all the ways in which God has blessed the church and us as a congregation. Once again, have a very Merry Christmas and a happy holiday, and please stay tuned as posts will only be more regular in 2013!

MCCC Christmas day service

Hi everybody! Thank you for coming along to the Christmas Celebration Night Service – we hope that you got something out of the message of God’s grace, made new friends, and enjoyed the night. We extend our gratitude to all those who helped the night run smoothly, and above all, for God’s provision and His hand over the night. Glory be to Him!

We are having a Christmas service on Tuesday 25th December in the English service chapel at 10am. Please come join us to remember the birth of Christ! 

Youth and Youth Adults Bible study will be taking a break over the school holidays and will resume in late January. Stay tuned to find out which book of the Bible we will be looking at in 2013!

Have a safe Christmas! 🙂