YYA: 20th November, Friday Night

Hi everyone, hope you had a great sharing night last Friday with Trivia, sharing and prayer! We had feedback forms to fill out, and we’ll be looking for feedback for the year in helping us know how to improve edifying one another.

In the next weeks we’ll be preparing for Christmas Celebration Night, which is on the 19th of December. The Facebook event is here. Please think of someone you could invite, pray for them and give them a flyer!


Hope to see you there, to prepare, pray and fellowship!


YYA: 28th August, Friday Night

After our lovely sharing night last week full of song and prayer, tonight we’ll be decorating, setting up and doing a dress rehearsal of Coffee Night! Please come along and help even if you’re not performing, there’s still heaps of tasks and helpers behind the scenes that make these events possible! =)

If you still don’t know what Coffee Night is, it’s on this Saturday (tomorrow) night! There’s a Facebook event here. And you can download the flyer here: [PDF]. [PNG below:]

You know you want to come!


I’ll be posting about the Friday after (4/9)’s YYA meeting after Coffee Night, so stay tuned!

Friday 20th March – YYA Sharing Night!

Hi All!

On the 20th March next Friday, for our Sharing Night, Youth and Young Adults will be having fellowship with a fun activity night plus some sharing and praying with one another. We will also get to have dinner together! (Gold coin donation is welcomed.)

Come along, bring your friends, and prepare to have a great time of fellowship! It will be a great bonding opportunity!

Date: Next Friday 20th March 2015
Time: 7pm (dinner) – 9.30pm
Where: Sunday School Hall

Hope to see you there!

P.S. The Revelation Lesson 6 (Rv 3:1-13) study for oxt YYA Friday Night 27th March is up, check it out on the Worksheets page! =)

May updates.

Hi y’all! 😀 As the weather is getting cooler, put some warmth back into your life and drop by at MCCC 😉 Some announcements for May:

** 1. Easter Services & Picnic thankyous

To those who came to the Good Friday service and the Easter Sunday service & picnic, we hope you had a great time commemorating Jesus’ death and resurrection with our church. A huge thanks especially to those who helped organise the picnic, it wouldn’t have been possible without all your hard work. It was very encouraging being able to hear both old timers and new comers share about their faith – praise God!

** 2. Youth and Young Adults Bible Study back up and running!

Come join us for our Youth and Young Adults (YYA) Bible Study nights which happen every Friday from 8-10pm! Well, most Fridays, unless we’re on exam/holiday break (which you will be notified about on this space – keep on checking back for updates!)

Does this all sound a bit foreign and daunting? Here’s a bit of a run down on what you can expect on a typical night at YYA:

– Introducing: The typical YYA Bible Study Night –

8.00: /Singspiration/: The act of singing worship songs as a group to praise God

8.20: /Announcements/: General admin stuff, including a short summary of the Bible passage

8.30: /Bible Study/: we break off into small groups (by year level) which is an open often forum for questions and discussions on the Bible passage. At the moment we’re looking at a book called 1 Thessalonians from the New Testament, which has many practical lessons about what a model church looks like, how we can encourage one another, and the second coming of Jesus.

9.20: /Games/: Usually involves team-building activities such as Pictionary, action charades, and other unique games thought up by our creative team leaders.

9:50: /Supper & hang out/: Delish food, Chinese tea, and if you’re not in a rush to go home, stay back for some quality conversations or to simply unwind from the long week!

… so we hope that gives you a snapshot of what YYA looks like! Whether you’ve been a Christian for 10 years or just wondering whether there is a God, I invite you to join us for our Friday night program to learn more from the living word of God. Got more questions? Drop us a comment in the box below!

** 3. Prayer and Share Night

Once in every few months, we have something called Prayer and Share Night which is… exactly as the name suggests! So instead of Bible Study, we share with each other about what God has been doing in our lives, praise points, for upcoming exams, difficulties in life, and pretty much anything you’re happy to share about. Prayer is essentially talking to God, so this is a great reminder to thank God and communicate with Him in everything we do. Our upcoming Prayer & Share Night is on Friday May 18th at 8pm.

Hope to see you all there!