Christmas Celebration Night 2016 – Saturday 17th December


Come join us at MCCC English Service this Christmas as we ask the question “What is Love?”

On the night you can expect a choir performance, carols, a skit performance and a talk on the topic by our guest speaker Mark Young. And in true MCCC fashion, we’ll also be providing supper and refreshments at the end of the evening.

We’d love for you to join us!

Feel free to RSVP to the Facebook Event.


Coffee Night 2016!!!

Yes, it’s the time of year for our … annual Coffee Night!! Woo!!!

Come join us!!! =)
Click the flyer to save/download the image and share it with friends!

Once again, Melbourne Chinese Christian Church will be hosting its annual Coffee Night! Come and join us for a warm night of musical presentations, sharings of faith and some good food and coffee.

When: Saturday, 20th August  7:30 PM
Where: 29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris 3146

Performances are scheduled to conclude around 10:00pm, but we encourage you to stay back to chat and eat!

We are privileged to have Spur Afrika join us on the night. For more about their vision and mission, and how you can support them, please visit their website here:

This is an open event, so please invite friends, family or anyone else you know who might be interested! We also have the official Facebook event that you can use to invite your friends to.

For more information, feel free to post a question on the Facebook event wall, ask a friend from MCCC or contact Samuel Wong or Peter Zhong.

Hope to see you there!


P.S. Bible study notes for YYA Friday 29th July are uploaded, check them out!


Christmas Celebration Night 19th December 7:30pm!

We’re coming up quickly on the Christmas Celebration Night! The FB event link is here so you can invite your friends over Facebook if you want.

Feel free to download this flyer and invite your friends with it!
Feel free to download this flyer and invite your friends with it!


Remember, the rosters for the preparation nights are at rosters link. Please check them every week!


Services will run as usual each Sunday, and there will be an extra service on Christmas Day.


Friday Nights Youth & Young Adults – 20th Feb 2015

Last week we had a great week of introductory study on the first chapter of Revelation, and the youth also had fun playing a mind bending alias-memorising chair game!

This week we’ll continue the study with the start of chapter 2, at the same time of 8pm ending at 9:30pm with supper.



For those of us new to the website, you can find the worksheets/bible study questions in the menu under “YYA Worksheets“, and the roster under “Rosters“. Feel free to check them out before you come! =)

As always, for more information about Friday Night Bible Study or YYA, visit this link (also at the top menu bar).



When: Saturday 13th of December 2014, 6:30pm Sausage Sizzle, 7:30pm Service Start

Where: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church: 29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris

Come along to Melbourne Chinese Christian Church’s annual Christmas Celebration Night on Saturday December 13th.

There will be a sausage sizzle at 6:30pm and the service session starts at 7:30pm

Come for a night filled with carols, candles, joy and thanksgiving as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Mark Young will also be sharing with us on the topic of ‘Christmas: Celebrating God’s Love’

Feel free to bring your friends too!

Hope to see you all there. 🙂

(Written by Wilkins)

Facebook Event:

What’s Next?

My my my, time has surely gone by fast as this year is quickly coming to an end!

The Final Sharing Night held last Friday was indeed a great way to wrap up everything that we have learnt in the bible studies this year.  Firstly, thank you to Peter, Andy and Matthieu who poured sweat and tears (not literally) in preparing the delicious curry – in which they cooked a storm in the church kitchen from 2pm to 7pm!  Secondly, it was really awesome seeing everyone participating in the skit activity, which was based on the themes that were learnt from the books of Ruth, Ecclesiastes and Esther.  It was hilarious seeing  how each team’s skit incorporated some sort of Barbecue event that involved singing hymns.  Finally, the night concluded with a group sharing.  It was extremely encouraging just to listen to how each of us has grown spiritually, what we may have learnt through the lessons, or even what we are thankful for.

Although bible studies have officially concluded for the year, do not fret; as Friday nights are still running!!!! The MCCES Christmas Celebration Night is fast approaching on Saturday the 13th of December! Starting from tonight, the next few Friday Nights (21/11, 28/11, 5/12, 12/12) will be spent in preparation for the Christmas Celebration Night.  The preparation nights will start as usual at 8pm with worship, following with a group prayer, then divided into preparation for the carols instrumental, choir and also crafts.  Supper will also be provided, so you do not have to worry about going home with your tummy grumbling!

I really hope to see you there tonight!


Sharing Night #1 2014 – Share Your Story!

The Youth & Young Adults Committee welcomes you all back to our first Sharing Night of 2014! 

DATE: Friday, 21st of March

LOCATION: MCCC (29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris)

TIME: 7:00pm

The theme for this night will be ‘Share Your Story’.

Everyone has a story – good or bad. Share with us what phase you are in your life with God.

On the night, we will have a member from MCCC share their their story, and their walk with God so far.

As always, dinner will be provided, beginning from 7pm. We advise you to be punctual on the night as we expect a great turnout – the early bird gets the worm!

Looking forward to hearing everyone’s Story.

YYA Committee 2014

Friday Night Youth Program BR-EAAAAAK!

Hi all,

Please take note in your diaries / planners / phones / other fancy gadgets that we will be having a 3 week break for Friday Night Program on September 13th, September 20th, and September 27th. This is an excellent time to take a breather and recap on what you’ve learnt so far this year on the books of 1 & 2 Timothy 🙂

We will be having a special event on Friday October 4th – more information to come!

Regular Friday Night Program resumes on October 11th and continues until early November where we will study the books of Titus and Philemon.

Meanwhile, please join us for our Sunday Service every week which starts at 10am.

Have a great break and see you soon!

Indoor Picnic

Hi y’all! To wrap up the school holidays, we are having an indoor picnic instead of the regular Friday night program. It will be a relaxed night of pizza eating (om nom nom nom), catching up, and games. If it was your first time visiting MCCC at Coffee Night or if you’d like to meet more people, we’d love for you to come along and get to know you better!

Venue: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church (29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris)

Time: 7-10pm

Date: Friday 5th October

Cost: Optional $5 donation to help cover cost of food

Hope to see all of you there 😀