Noah’s Ark – Deluge of Evidence

Have you ever been challenged to explain Noah’s Ark and the Genesis Flood? Then here is your chance to hear Rod Walsh, aka ‘The Ark Man’ as he draws his 14-year feasibility study showing exactly how plausible the Biblical Ark was. Complete with three amazing scale-model Arks!

Rod is an excellent and engaging speaker who can expertly answer questions that most Christians still don’t know how to answer, such as: ‘Where did all the water go? What evidence do we see today for a global flood? How did all the animals fit? Were dinosaurs on the ark?’

These and many other flood and creation-related questions are answered in a fully illustrated presentation.

Time: 8-10pm

Date: Friday 26th October

Venue: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church (29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris)

Cost: Optional donation

Indoor Picnic

Hi y’all! To wrap up the school holidays, we are having an indoor picnic instead of the regular Friday night program. It will be a relaxed night of pizza eating (om nom nom nom), catching up, and games. If it was your first time visiting MCCC at Coffee Night or if you’d like to meet more people, we’d love for you to come along and get to know you better!

Venue: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church (29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris)

Time: 7-10pm

Date: Friday 5th October

Cost: Optional $5 donation to help cover cost of food

Hope to see all of you there 😀

Guys & Girls Night

On Friday 31st August, we will be having Guys Night Out and Girls Night Out! This is a great opportunity to bond with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for a chilled night, so please bring your friends along 🙂

Guys Night Out:
Time: 7-9pm
Activity: Basketball and Futsal
Location: Oakleigh Recreation Centre (1 Park Road, Oakleigh)

Girls Night Out:
Time: 7-9pm
Activity: ‘Pot bless’ – bring your signature dish along to share with others!
Location: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church (29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris)

Got any questions? Contact Arnold/Peter for the guys, and Lily/Vicky for the girls. Find them through the event on facebook!

July Updates

Hi y’all! Time sure flies and we’ve already reached mid 2012. God has been good and has truly been among this ministry throughout the first half of the year by providing us many opportunities to host events which introduce the gospel, and I trust that He’ll continue His good work for the rest of the year – so stay tuned for more events to come!

** 1. Trivia Night thankyous

Thank you to all those who came along to Trivia Night! A big congratulations to ‘The Punny Team’ who won the gold medals for the night, coming first in categories such as history, science and Bible trivia. Thank you also to those who organised the event and made it possible. If you would like to be challenged further and delve into God’s word and biblical issues, remember to come along to our Youth and Young Adults Bible Study on Friday nights.

** 2. Winter Freeze thankyous

A massive thank you to all those who got involved in our 2-day youth holiday program, Winter Freeze, which concluded last Friday. Throughout the two days, we explored the core Christian beliefs on becoming a Christian in an interactive way through the evangelism tract ‘Four Spiritual Laws’, and worked through fundamentals of Christian living such as prayer, reading the Bible, and being in the world but not of the world. Praise God for the great turnout of the youth who participated and the faithfulness of those who were so willing to help out!

** 3. Youth and Young Adults Bible Study

Youth and Young Adults Bible Study recommences on Friday July 20th, where we will be finishing off 1 Thessalonians and starting 2 Thessalonians in this new semester. This book of the Bible continues to clarify the events surrounding the second coming of Jesus, and also emphasises the power of prayer and the mightiness of God. Be sure to come along to read God’s word and fellowship together this semester!

** 4. Coffee Night

Each year, MCCC hosts Coffee Night where church members have the opportunity to present musical items to praise God and to share how God has impacted their lives. Love a relaxed night of fellowship and hot beverages, or have a creative bone and want to praise God by presenting an item? Stay tuned! Coffee Night 2012 – coming soon!

That’s all for now – keep on checking back for updates!

All glory be to God!

Trivia Night

What do you call a wholesome night of fun spent with cool people that is completely free?

DING DING DING! You guessed it! The answer is…. MCCC TRVIA NIGHT!

As the school holidays approach, MCCC will be hosting Trivia Night instead of the regular Friday night program. Questions will range anywhere from Bible trivia to general knowledge questions, so remember to bring your thinking caps along! This is also a great opportunity to invite your friends and colleagues for a night of relaxed fun and fellowship. Refreshments will be provided.

Date: Friday 29th June

Time: 8 – 10pm

Where: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church (English Chapel) – 29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris

Hope to see you all there! Be prepared to work those brain muscles 😉

Winter is coming…

YYA welcomes you to join us in this year’s Winter Freeze. Winter Freeze this year will be a two-day activity for guys & girls from year 7 to 11.
Within those two days there will be a host of fun learning and interactive activities to help develop a deeper relationship with God, whilst at the same time providing a safe environment to have fellowship with one another during this cold winter holidays.

Date and Time: 10am – 4pm, Thursday 5th and Friday 6th of July 2012

Location: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church, 29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask Arnold or Peter.




May updates.

Hi y’all! 😀 As the weather is getting cooler, put some warmth back into your life and drop by at MCCC 😉 Some announcements for May:

** 1. Easter Services & Picnic thankyous

To those who came to the Good Friday service and the Easter Sunday service & picnic, we hope you had a great time commemorating Jesus’ death and resurrection with our church. A huge thanks especially to those who helped organise the picnic, it wouldn’t have been possible without all your hard work. It was very encouraging being able to hear both old timers and new comers share about their faith – praise God!

** 2. Youth and Young Adults Bible Study back up and running!

Come join us for our Youth and Young Adults (YYA) Bible Study nights which happen every Friday from 8-10pm! Well, most Fridays, unless we’re on exam/holiday break (which you will be notified about on this space – keep on checking back for updates!)

Does this all sound a bit foreign and daunting? Here’s a bit of a run down on what you can expect on a typical night at YYA:

– Introducing: The typical YYA Bible Study Night –

8.00: /Singspiration/: The act of singing worship songs as a group to praise God

8.20: /Announcements/: General admin stuff, including a short summary of the Bible passage

8.30: /Bible Study/: we break off into small groups (by year level) which is an open often forum for questions and discussions on the Bible passage. At the moment we’re looking at a book called 1 Thessalonians from the New Testament, which has many practical lessons about what a model church looks like, how we can encourage one another, and the second coming of Jesus.

9.20: /Games/: Usually involves team-building activities such as Pictionary, action charades, and other unique games thought up by our creative team leaders.

9:50: /Supper & hang out/: Delish food, Chinese tea, and if you’re not in a rush to go home, stay back for some quality conversations or to simply unwind from the long week!

… so we hope that gives you a snapshot of what YYA looks like! Whether you’ve been a Christian for 10 years or just wondering whether there is a God, I invite you to join us for our Friday night program to learn more from the living word of God. Got more questions? Drop us a comment in the box below!

** 3. Prayer and Share Night

Once in every few months, we have something called Prayer and Share Night which is… exactly as the name suggests! So instead of Bible Study, we share with each other about what God has been doing in our lives, praise points, for upcoming exams, difficulties in life, and pretty much anything you’re happy to share about. Prayer is essentially talking to God, so this is a great reminder to thank God and communicate with Him in everything we do. Our upcoming Prayer & Share Night is on Friday May 18th at 8pm.

Hope to see you all there!

Announcements & Upcoming Events

Hi y’all! 🙂 Hope everybody is enjoying their school and uni holidays! Just a few announcements and other happenings in April:

** 1. Rock climbing thankyous

Thank you for the great turn out for those who joined the Youth and Young Adults group for indoor rock climbing on Friday 23/3! Hope those arms are legs weren’t too sore 🙂 Stay tuned, there’ll be more events like this during the year where it’ll be a great opportunity to bring your friends!

** 2. Good Friday Service

There will be a Good Friday service this Friday 6th April starting at 10am. We invite you, friends and family along as we remember Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross.

** 3. Easter Sunday Service

Come join us this Sunday 8th April as we share in the celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. The service starts at 10am.

** 4. Easter Sunday Picnic Celebration

We would like to invite you, your friends and family to come to the picnic after the Easter Sunday service on Sunday 8th April. The picnic will be held at 12pm at Summer Hill Park. Feel free to bring a plate to share at the picnic, as well as any suitable picnic equipment (rugs, mats, chairs, etc).

If the weather on the day is unsuitable, we will host the lunch at church instead.

Want more information on the event? Check out the Facebook page:!/events/283091605102004/

** 5. Youth and Young Adults Bible Study

Due to school holidays, Youth and Young Adults Bible Study on Friday nights will be taking a 2 week break! YYA will resume on Friday 20th April at 8pm and we will continue to study God’s word from the book of 1 Thessalonians. See you there!

MCCC Christmas Night

Come and join us for our annual Christmas Night!

Share the meaning of Christmas and enjoy an evening of carols and celebration!

Invite your friends along and enjoy a great night together!

Where Melbourne Chinese Christian Church, 29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris, Australia

When Saturday, December 17, 2011 @ 7.30PM until 10:30pm

See the event on Facebook