Hi y’all! 🙂 Hope everybody is enjoying their school and uni holidays! Just a few announcements and other happenings in April:
** 1. Rock climbing thankyous
Thank you for the great turn out for those who joined the Youth and Young Adults group for indoor rock climbing on Friday 23/3! Hope those arms are legs weren’t too sore 🙂 Stay tuned, there’ll be more events like this during the year where it’ll be a great opportunity to bring your friends!
** 2. Good Friday Service
There will be a Good Friday service this Friday 6th April starting at 10am. We invite you, friends and family along as we remember Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross.
** 3. Easter Sunday Service
Come join us this Sunday 8th April as we share in the celebration of Jesus Christ’s resurrection. The service starts at 10am.
** 4. Easter Sunday Picnic Celebration
We would like to invite you, your friends and family to come to the picnic after the Easter Sunday service on Sunday 8th April. The picnic will be held at 12pm at Summer Hill Park. Feel free to bring a plate to share at the picnic, as well as any suitable picnic equipment (rugs, mats, chairs, etc).
If the weather on the day is unsuitable, we will host the lunch at church instead.
Want more information on the event? Check out the Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/283091605102004/
** 5. Youth and Young Adults Bible Study
Due to school holidays, Youth and Young Adults Bible Study on Friday nights will be taking a 2 week break! YYA will resume on Friday 20th April at 8pm and we will continue to study God’s word from the book of 1 Thessalonians. See you there!