Hi all!
Bible study returns tomorrow night starting at 8pm!
We will be studying Esther Chapter 2! Click on the Rosters & YYA Worksheets link to see the worksheet!
Hope to see you there!
Hi all!
Bible study returns tomorrow night starting at 8pm!
We will be studying Esther Chapter 2! Click on the Rosters & YYA Worksheets link to see the worksheet!
Hope to see you there!
I hope you were all challenged and encouraged from studying the book Ecclesiastes, but it’s time to move on!
Starting from this Friday (1/8/14), we will commence studying the book of Esther – hope to see you there!
Hello all,
The Friday Night Roster for July – September is now available. Please click on the Rosters and YYA worksheets tab to view/download it.
Friday Night bible study will also be back on the 11th of July starting at 8pm in the English Service Chapel Hall! Hope to see you there!
MCCC’s Coffee Night 2014 is approaching fast!
Come join us for a quiet night as we explore what it means to be a Christian through song, music and personal testimonies!
Date: Saturday 19th of July, 2014
Time: 7:30pm start
Location: MCCC English Service Chapel Hall (29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris 3146)
Refreshments will also be provided.
As the title has stated, there will be no bible study this week. It will be resumed next Friday on the 13th of June!
The April – May roster for Sunday service roles and the April – June roster for Friday night roles are now available on this site!
Please click on the ‘Rosters and YYA Worksheets’ tab to view/download them.
The Youth & Young Adults Committee welcomes you all back to our first Sharing Night of 2014!
DATE: Friday, 21st of March
LOCATION: MCCC (29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris)
TIME: 7:00pm
The theme for this night will be ‘Share Your Story’.
Everyone has a story – good or bad. Share with us what phase you are in your life with God.
On the night, we will have a member from MCCC share their their story, and their walk with God so far.
As always, dinner will be provided, beginning from 7pm. We advise you to be punctual on the night as we expect a great turnout – the early bird gets the worm!
Looking forward to hearing everyone’s Story.
YYA Committee 2014
Whether or not you have been following this blog for a while, or have just stumbled across it today, thank you for reading our entry! We hope this website has been informative to you about Melbourne Chinese Christian Church, what we believe, how God has been working and how you can find out more about us.
What a year it has been for the English Service and Youth and Young Adults ministry! This post is going to recap the happenings at our church throughout the year, looking at the grace and mercies of God to our church and the congregation.
The theme of the English Service this year was ‘Serving the Lord’. In addition to weekly sermons on the theme, we also welcomed the addition of three lay speakers who preached on a series on the gospel of Luke. The theme was challenging as we had a closer look at Jesus’ ministry as an example of what ‘Serving the Lord’ meant.
This year, our Youth and Young Adults Bible Study Program continued to be run on Friday nights, where we looked at the books of Timothy 1, Timothy 2, Titus and Philemon. All these were letters written by Paul, as he addressed various workers and leaders in churches he had planted. We learnt about leadership qualities of a humble worker and how to bring to focus back to God and His word.
This year we also introduced sharing nights, where a church member would share a short testimony on a topic, and then we would break of in discussion groups to delve into the topic even deeper. The topics we covered this year were; ‘Israel and the Bible-Is it relevant to us today?’, ‘Count your Blessings’, ‘Priorities’ and ‘Media, Pop Culture and Christianity’. It was great being able to look at and be challenged by issues outside of our usual Bible studies. Our last sharing night we had an EPIC wrap up filled with EPIC fun activities and EPIC sharing all around the group!
Our trivia night this year was successful in creating opportunities to bond with others, especially new comers to the church. Working in teams that had a mix of people different to the usual Bible study groups, everyone was able to have an opportunity to engage in a fun night with each other, have meaningful conversations with each other and promoting outreach by inviting friends along.
The lights were dimmed and the mood was set, as many sat back, enjoyed good coffee, cakes, and the live music. Our annual coffee night was a great night to show others how God works in other people’s lives, through song, lyrics, art, food and conversation. The night also supported the work of Urban Seed, a small, Christian community development organization that serves communities experiencing disadvantage, and engages others to do the same.
Our biennial camp was held at Marysville this year. It was a great time for us all to bond, grow, worship and learn. We delved into the book of Philippians, seeing what it had to say about ‘Shining As Stars’. Whether it was through late nights eating cup noodles with other church mates, participating in the fun activities, listening to the Bible talks or taking part in discussion groups, everyone was able to have a great time and took away heaps from the experience.
Bounce night was a fantastic night to have fun with other church mates and other friends that came along too!
In September, some members involved in the Youth Ministry made their ways up to Mount Evelyn for Connect Training Conference where they learnt how to unpack a Bible passage and write their own Bible studies. It was an encouraging weekend meeting Christians from other churches in Melbourne while learning practical ways to teach God’s word.
To cap off our year, we celebrated Jesus’ birth by organizing a Christmas Celebration Night on the theme of ‘Faith’. On the Sunday beforehand, we had the opportunity to roam around our neighbourhood and sing carols / chat to our neighbours. It was a timely reminder that opportunities to outreach are literally just around the corner! On Saturday 14 of December, we had a night filled with carols, gifts, a skit, glow sticks and grace as we remembered the true meaning of Christmas and how we find faith in the coming of Christ.
And that’s 2013 in a nutshell! Indeed we are thankful to God for blessing our church so much this year! We hope you enjoyed this year as much as we did and we hope to see you soon. Have a joyous and blessed New Year!
It’s that time of the year again!! MCCC are holding our Annual Christmas Celebration Night.
This is an occasion to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ for its true meaning.
Sing along to the carols, enjoy watching our Christmas skit and choir presentation, and listen to this year’s Bible Message presented by Ian Sinclair on the theme “Finding Faith”.
Saturday 14th December. Christmas Service begins at 7.30pm.
29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris 3146
Please invite friends and family along to celebrate this special time of the year. At the conclusion of the service, please join us to share in some finger food, as well as speak and meet some new friends!
See you there!
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1396057350635959