Coffee Night and YYA Friday
I hope you all enjoyed Coffee Night! It was a wonderful night of musical performances, stories, presentations, and of course great food, coffee and conversation! It was fantastic to see so many people come!
This Friday, we’ll be going back to regular bible studies and we’ll start studying the 1st epistle of John. Study notes are already uploaded, hope to see you there!
Training Day
In addition, we will be having a Training Day on Saturday 10 September (Kew and Glen Iris combined). This will be open to all members from both MCCC Kew and Glen Iris.
The training day focus will be on Discipleship, Leadership and Doctrines. If there is a particular topic you would like included in the training day or if you have any queries, please see Elder Andrew. Please register with Daniel (Glen Iris) or Wilkins (Kew) by Saturday 3, September! Hope to see you there also!