MCCC Dinner & Sharing Night #2 – ‘Priorities’


What are your current priorities at the moment?
What does God expect your priorities to be?
How can we please God better?

Everyone has their own set of priorities. We put important things first ahead of other less important or not-so-urgent matters. It’s like a to-do list that we constantly uphold, but as Christians how should we better prioritise our life in a way that is most pleasing to God?

Been thinking about these issues? You’re welcomed to come join us for dinner at 7pm before we dive into a fun night of sharing and discussion about our priorities in life at 7.45pm. The night will end at 9,10pm but please feel free to stay back and hang with us because at MCCC (Melbourne Chinese Christian Church) we love to stay up late on a Friday night.

See you then!