YYA: 7th August, Friday Night

It was great to fellowship and study God’s Word together yesterday night, and to see some people practising for Coffee Night! Remember, it’s this month, so invite your friends, prepare your presentations and do a test batch of your cooking so you won’t be panicking to plate something up just before the night like me last year =). Doors open at 7pm and the session starts at 7:30pm.

There’s also sharing night on the 21st of August with prayer, including prayer for Coffee Night, and on the 28th August we’ll have a night of preparation, before 29th August – the actual Coffee Night!


As usual the worksheet is up! See you All there as we learn and discuss the book of Revelation in the Bible and what it means for us!


YYA: 31st July, Friday Night

Dear All,

We’re truly stuck into the second half of Revelation and most uni students start this week too. Have fun! This week we’re doing Revelation 13, come have fellowship with fellow brothers and sisters and learn more about Jesus and our secure hope in Him!

Coffee Night is coming up quickly, don’t forget to invite your friends! There’s a Facebook event here. And you can download the flyer here: [PDF]. [PNG below:]


See you Friday!

YYA: 17th July, Friday Night

Dear All,

I hope your school holidays period has been good and have had time to rest. Remember, there’s no YYA on this Friday (today), but we’ll be back on the 17th of July! We’re studying Revelation 11, as previously mentioned, the worksheets are already up.


Coffee Night is coming very soon (29th August)! We ask all performers and people helping out to get back to us to confirm their positions by the 17th of July. Please contact Annie or Sam for that.

There’s a Facebook event we’ve created here that you could link your friends and we hope to have the fliers out to you guys to give your friends next week.


All prepared for the Bible study on the 17th and want some more stuff to read and do? Why not review what we did or check out the things you missed during Easter camp here: https://mccces.org.au/2015/05/06/easter-camp-2015-mega-post/


YYA: 26th June, Friday Night

Hi Everyone!

I trust we all had good fellowship last Friday. Come join us for more fellowship, bible study and service next Friday! It’s the last YYA meeting before the 2 week winter break. We’ll be coming back on the 17th of July.


We’ll be looking at Revelation 10, a little interlude with a mighty angel before the seventh trumpet is sounded. As always, the worksheet is available on the worksheets page.

Hope to see you there!

YYA is on break for 5th June, resuming on the 12th

Dear All,

YYA is on break for the 5th of June and will resume on the 12th of June.

For those studying for exams and assessments, and those in laborious toil, keep up the hard work! Remember to rest in the Lord knowing that He cares for you immeasurably, and to take joy in spending time with Him! =)


Hope to see you there after the short break over the Queen’s Birthday long weekend! We’ll be back doing Bible study on Revelation, and the worksheet has been uploaded.

YYA: 29th May, Friday Night

Wow, we’ve already gone through almost 5 months this year!

There’s another extra commentary you can read with this Friday’s lesson at the worksheets page. Make sure you give both sheets for this week a good read so the discussions are more effective!


Hope everyone can make it to another awesome session of fellowship, studying God’s word and edification of one another!

YYA: 22nd May, Friday Night

Hi All!

We’re back to doing Bible study this week at Youth and Young Adults. It’ll be on Revelation 10; the worksheet is uploaded already, and there’s also a commentary on Daniel 7 on the worksheets page, which we recommend you read (both the passage and commentary) before coming!


Hope to see you there, and have fellowship with one another!

YYA: 15th May, Sharing Night on Friday!

Our second Sharing Night is this Friday! It’ll be on the topic “How can we be a Christ Centered Church?”.

Date: Friday 15 May
Time: 7pm – 9.30pm
Place: MCCC English Service Chapel

Come at 7pm to enjoy dinner in the company of brothers and sisters in Christ. As usual, all are welcome! This will be followed by Bible reading and small group sharing based on the topic, as well as prayer afterwards. It will be a great opportunity for us to reflect on how we can focus on Christ as a church body in light of our recent studies on the Book of Revelation.

As always for sharing nights, dinner will be provided (gold coin donation is welcomed).


P.S. The worksheets for the week after (22/5) are uploaded and there’s an additional commentary on Daniel 7 for the lesson, so it’ll be great to read it before the Bible study on the 22nd! =)