Christmas Celebration Night Preparations

Hey guys!

Over the next 4 Friday Nights, Melbourne Chinese Christian Church will be doing preparations for the Christmas Celebration Night that is coming up on December 14. There will be opportunities to act in a skit, create skit props, sing in the choir, prepare gift packs for the night, or participate in the instrumental items if you’re gifted with music. What a fantastic way to show God’s love to the community! Even if you’ll be away on the night, we welcome everyone to come along to join us in fellowship, prayer, and some light supper.

Where: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church


  • Friday 22nd November
  • Friday 29th November
  • Friday 6th December
  • Friday 13th December (full dress rehearsal)

Time: Doors open 7.30pm, program starts at 8pm

We’d love all hands on deck during this period as there is lots to prepare! See you then 🙂

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