Noah’s Ark – Deluge of Evidence

Have you ever been challenged to explain Noah’s Ark and the Genesis Flood? Then here is your chance to hear Rod Walsh, aka ‘The Ark Man’ as he draws his 14-year feasibility study showing exactly how plausible the Biblical Ark was. Complete with three amazing scale-model Arks!

Rod is an excellent and engaging speaker who can expertly answer questions that most Christians still don’t know how to answer, such as: ‘Where did all the water go? What evidence do we see today for a global flood? How did all the animals fit? Were dinosaurs on the ark?’

These and many other flood and creation-related questions are answered in a fully illustrated presentation.

Time: 8-10pm

Date: Friday 26th October

Venue: Melbourne Chinese Christian Church (29 Summerhill Road, Glen Iris)

Cost: Optional donation

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